✆ : +302733022522 ✉ : info@tourpeloponnese.gr

heated swimming pool for comfort and pleasure

Within 3,8 hectares there are 80 – 100 square metres space, naturally separated with bushes and trees offering rich shade to host caravans, automobiles and tents. Electricity and water is provided.

Small neighborhoods that are part of a real village surrounded by lush greenery. Surrounded by beautiful gardens and offering unforgettable family holidays.

The IONION BEACH shower rooms are separated into three buildings. There is hot water available 24 hours a day for showers, washing of clothes and dishes. There are also coin launderettes available and a fully equipped supermarket.

If you are not a fan of the sea then the swimming pool at the IONION BEACH is the appropriate place to cool down during the hot summer days.
For our young friends there is a playground and a specially designed swimming pool.

GPS: N 37o50’10” E 21o07’59”

Open: 01/01 – 31/12

Languages spoken: GB, D, I

Contact details:

Vartholomio, Glifa Ilia 27050

Tel. +30 26230 96828 | email: ionionfl@otenet.gr

website: www.camping.ionion-beach.gr

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